Monday, June 16, 2008

Complicated life.......

Life is such complication as it is defined from my blog title. The process of life gives so many taste that flavours it up. During teenage period LOVE gives most of the excitement as it is where people trying to get a hang of it. The "thorns of Love" really do hurt people. I have experience quite a number of it too and have recovered from it. But "SCARS" are always scars. They will not leave you. What happened in the past will haunt for life. Once look back at the scars it gives back memories and I learn that " WHAT DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU, NO MATTER HOW HARD U TRY IT WONT BE YOURS". Unless u prayed hard and God answered the prayer and hope for a WIND OF CHANGE.(thats wad I hoped alwiz). Love cant be single direction thing. So for God loved u, love him back. Don't act donno. (tiba tiba God comes out) XD.



cactus 2......

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