1) EducationIn education field, the benefits it can provide is that
- Ease of Information Sharing
In information sharing, the administrator can upload all the information and announcement onto a general based website for the whole University personnel and student. This allows an easier reach out to all the people of the university and no singular message to be sent to each people.
- One platform to get education information
The students of the college can gather their lecture slides, tutorials from a web based platform like learnfinity. This allows the student to obtain the information anytime they wanted to as long as they have internet access. This also indirectly reduces the burden of the lecturer to provide them with copies.
- Helps prepare student for modern world
In the working environment nowadays everything is based on IT. When a student is given a foundation on using IT and IS during their education level, they are able to utilize their skills later on when they're working, this grants them the skill to survive and provide better competency.
Disadvantage on Education
In the real world, people will have difficulty in interaction with people of other race. Due to the difference in mother tongue speaking and the lack of social interaction studying in a IT condition.
If you are not the right candidate for online education. The flexibility of planning your own schedule in online education could be the disadvantages for you if you are a type of person that can't manage your time probably between your work, family and study. If you are this kind of person, a pre-plan schedule may fit you well, letting yourself to study at your own pace with your own schedule may causes you fail to complete your degree program.
- Single media type teaching
As most of online learning materials are in text format, if you are not comfortable with this format and prefer to listen to the lecture instead of reading it. Then, it will become the disadvantage for you and you need to reconsider your decision before you choose online education to be your degree pursuing channel.
2) Growth of Organization
By using IS, it can help the company saving time in every activity as well as well decrease its cost of employing more people to work while using IS can reduce the man power needed. By using IS the company will be more organized and can generate more profit in a short time.
- Integration with other company
IS can help companies integrate with each other, improve the smooth transition of process that can help in better production of process and better understanding of each other companies which indirectly improve mutual relationships with each other can lead to better agreements and deals.
With IS, the decision making process of a company is made more efficient and accurate. With less human error and mistakes, the company suffer less loss which will help the company to grow rapidly serving the market's needs.
When IS itself is giving too much benefit to one company, it comes with a risk that the company will be too attached with it. When the system fails, the company is crippled and continuation of the business is halted.
A company who is using IS and is still growing uses a lot of money to maintain and run it compared hiring manpower. If the revenue generated is insufficient to cover the expenditures, then the company will result in heavy losses.
A company is dependent and uses a lot of IS in its daily operations is putting itself in risk that it is opening many doors of vulnerabilities to malicious attacks. If the security system is not well developed, then vital information of the company will leak and stolen.
3) Interpersonal skillsAdvantage
A person can make many friends due to the availability of many social networks and blogs and virtual hang out ares. Giving opportunities for people to know more people.
A person will receive huge amount of exposure to huge amount knowledge because many people share their ideas and knowledge. With IS helping them to make decision on the way, it can improve the way of life of people and make them to be a good citizen.
It will lead to health issues when one person is indulged too much into IS which spends a lot of time in it, neglecting his/her own health.
When one is indulged with too much of IS, it is hard for them to kick the bad habit of using it all the time. It will be like drugs, when it is absent from the life of that person, it will cause addiction.
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